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Tennessee Pass Nordic Center, Cookhouse and Sleep Yurts

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Our sleep yurts are off-the-hook and off-the-grid! The sleep yurts are surrounded by the pristine San Isabel forest and tucked 1.3 miles into the backcountry. The fun is getting up there. Snowshoe, ski, or hike up a groomed trail, while the staff chauffeurs your luggage to the top. Arrive in a cocoon of warmth, the fire will already be started for you in the soapstone wood stove. Take in views of the highest fourteeners in Colorado from the deck. Curl up under a thick down comforter and watch the stars through the skylight. It’s a romantic getaway, family vacation, or opportunity to reconnect with friends.

Our solar-powered sleep yurts are off the grid, and well-appointed for comfort in the back country. Complete your stay at Tennessee Pass by reserving a night or two in the warmth of your own cozy yurt. Beautifully furnished with handcrafted log beds (full linens including down comforters), and gorgeous soapstone woodstoves, our sleep yurts are the perfect end to a perfect day!

Each yurt is equipped with a kitchenette, sink & fresh water, a single burner propane stove, dining table & six chairs, and solar lighting. They are stocked with complimentary coffee, hot chocolate, cider, and have all necessary cookware and dishware necessary for light cooking and serving. Pre-order food and drinks to be delivered upon arrival with your bags!

Tennessee Pass Nordic Center Trail fees for all members in the yurt rental party are included for the day of, and the day after, the night of your stay. Equipment rentals are two days for a one-day fee.

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